Thursday, March 29, 2012

One More Window

Hi everyone. I'm posting a little late this Thursday.  I just got off of work and I had a busy day and this is the first moment I had to tell you about another project that I did with old window.  I just love the shape of this window.  I left the glass and  frame as I found it.  Last Christmas I had painted fun snow scenes for my girls on some similar old windows and gave them as presents.  So this time I thought that someone would enjoy welcoming friends to their home and having it said in an old vintage window.  Here is the before picture of the window frame:
 I started by drawing a design on paper and including the saying Welcome to our home.  When I was satisfied with the final drawing, I taped it to the under side of the glass or the other side of where I was going to paint.  I started painting the design by filling in the lines with Burnt Umber acrylic paint.  It took three coats of paint to fully cover so that the glass would not show thru.  I than dry brushed the wood frame with gold acrylic paint so the wood grain would be noticeable. So here is the after picture: 
I was happy with the results.  What do you think?

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  1. I think I love it. Such a pretty design. Nice job. Thanks for dropping by my blog.

  2. That looks great--how creative you are! Love it!

  3. Super Cute! I think it is so original and personalized. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    I'm your newest follower!!!


  4. I think that turned out awesome! I love the chains from the top and the paint is great! Wonderful work.

  5. Very nice! What a nice way to welcome guests - give them a good first impression:)
