
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Aqua Sweetie

Well, it's Thursday and we had a very nice Memorial Day Weekend.  My kids came up to the camp and we had a very nice time.  It was really nice to see the grandkids enjoy the place, like their parents did when they were young.  Well anyways, I have a little project to share with you.  Found this little shelf at an estate sale and it was just brown and all scratched up and I didn't think it was appealing.  So I decided to paint the shelf a pretty aqua color which seems so popular.  After the paint was dry, I than covered all the details and grooves with white paint and wiped off the excess and the white paint was left in the detail work of the shelf.  I really like the end result and I think it looks so sweet.  Here is the before and after pictures:

I really like the aqua shelf against my orange walls, what do you think?  See you next time Dianne.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sweet Little Rocking Chair

Good morning!! The sun is shining and it looks as if we are going to have another beautiful day. I love this time of year!! I hope you all had a great Memorial weekend. I went up to my parents camp for the weekend and brought our little girl there for the first time. It's kind of fun to bring our kids to places that we grew up at.
Today I am going to share with you a cute, really old rocking chair that I painted. I primed it with kilz, which took forever because of all the spindles, and then I sprayed it with white paint. It didn't have a seat so my husband made a seat for it and covered it with this sweet, floral fabric. I was thrilled with how it turned out. I think I might put it in her nursery. It's so dainty and sweet that i think it would match perfectly. Here are the before and after pictures. Have a great rest of the week!! ~ Jessica

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Banana Cookies

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend!  Especially those who loved ones are either gone overseas or no longer with us.  We were all thinking of them yesterday, enjoying the freedom that we have because of them.  We spent Sunday and Monday at my dad and mom's cottage.  It was fun, and hot and the kids especially enjoyed it!

So anyway back to the cookies.  I am sure everyone has a brown banana or a couple of brown bananas every once in a while.  Well I do, nobody likes to eat them around here if they have too many spots on them.  So instead of making the normal banana bread or muffins, I tried out cookies!  I have to say they were pretty delish!    My recipe tasters also decided they were pretty good, because they did not last long around here!  So here is the recipe it was easy too!

Banana Cookies Recipe

  • 1/2 cup of unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 egg, room temperature
  • 1 cup of mashed bananas (about 2 ½ large bananas)
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 2 cups of flour
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground mace or nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground cloves
  • 1 cup of pecans (walnuts and chocolate chips are fine alternatives)


1 Preheat the oven to 350°F. Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add the egg and continue to beat until the mixture is light and fluffy.
2 In a bowl, mix the mashed bananas and baking soda. Let sit for 2 minutes. The baking soda will react with the acid in the bananas which in turn will give the cookies their lift and rise.
3 Mix the banana mixture into the butter mixture. Mix together the flour, salt, and spices and sift into the butter and banana mixture and mix until just combined.
4 Fold into the batter the pecans or chocolate chips if using. Drop in dollops onto parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Bake for 11-13 minutes or until nicely golden brown. Let cool on wire racks.
Makes about 30 cookies.

My switches in the recipe, are no nuts I just used chocolate chips and I used nutmeg.  

I think they turned out delicious.  So I hope you enjoy them.  Until next time...Kim

Thank you to, ( for featuring these cookies!!

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Monday, May 28, 2012

I love boxes!!

Happy Memorial Day to you all!  Thank you to all you BRAVE men & women who have risked their lives for us!  Hope you had a great long weekend.  It was awesome weather for the beach!  We spent a few days enjoying some quality family time along Lake Michigan.  I just LOVE Lake Michigan!!!  We enjoyed some good laughs, little bike riding, swimming, and of course some good 'ole ice cream.  It went by way too fast.  Anyways, I have a small project to share with you this evening.  My dad gave me this old vintage box.  It was really dirty and the wood was broken off in a few places.  I knew it had potential...and I just love old boxes right now.  Not sure why...but I just do.
I gave this little box a quick little clean-up.  I then gave it a coat of Kilz primer and then a few coats of white latex paint.  After the coats had dried, I used my cricut to create a number stencil.  I'm kinda partial to the number three....  I then decided that it needed a little distressing.  Here she is .....what do you think?

Wouldn't it be cute to plant some flowers in here?
Have a great evening and if you're reading....thanks!

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

An Old Piece of Wood

Hi everyone, the Memorial Weekend is almost here and I'm looking forward to the warm forecast they are saying we are supposed to have.  Well, here is a little piece of trim that was actually on an old sofa.  The sofa was beyond repair but the top of the sofa had a carved piece of wood that was really pretty and I decided to take it off the sofa.  Here is the piece:


I really liked this piece but I wanted a little color to accentuate the carving, so I took some soft pastel colors, like pink, green and white acrylic paint from Joann's and painted the fruit and leaves.  I than rubbed burnt umber paint all over the carving and made sure I got paint into all the grooves.  I wiped the umber off and left some in the grooves and where I thought it looked nice.  I than had some gold paint that I highlighted in places to give it a little gilt.  I than shabbied it some and here is what it looks like now: 

 So what do you think???? See you next Thursday, Dianne
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Old Trim

It's about 10:30 p.m. when I am starting this post. Usually I like to get an earlier start but today has been kind of hectic!! I just got home from playing a couple games of softball tonight. If you are all wondering, which I am sure that it won't make your day one way or the other, but we WON both games.Win or lose it's a great evening out with friends.
Anyhow I have this obsession for stencils and old pieces of furniture or wood lately. It seems that all of my projects revolve around them, but I can't seem to detour away from it. So if you like old, imperfect pieces stick with me. :) In the pictures below it shows you how I took a simple wood piece, that was from an old farm house, and turned it into something for the wall or on a ledge. I have it in my kitchen behind my sink. It fits perfectly there and doesn't take up too much room. I just LOVE filling up my house with old treasures!!! I will have to ask my husband if he feels the same. ;) Have a great night!! Jessica

This is the piece of wood before the stenciling. I think it was from the trim in the house. I didn't even paint it...I think that's what makes a lot of these pieces charming.
Here is what it looks like after against the red walls in my kitchen.

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Little Scalloped Table

Hi everyone!   I hope everyone had a great weekend!  I'm posting a little late.......due to a busy day....but a good day nonetheless.  I have a cute table make-over to share with you.  I found this little table for just a couple of bucks at an estate sale.  Seriously....cute with those little scalloped edges right?  Here's the before picture.
I gave the table a quick little cleaning and then a light coat of Kilz primer.  I chose to paint the table with my free sample of Clark + Kensington paint.  It's a light "celery" green color.  I then distressed it around the edges and corners.  I am happy with the end results.  Here's the after picture....
Have a great night!

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Welcome Bench

Good morning!!! It's Friday and that means it is time to plan your weekend! I am super excited because every year we go down to the flea market in Springfield. This happens to be the weekend we are escaping to go down there and get lost in all the treasures!! I cannot wait to find some great pieces to share with all of you!!
For now I am going to show you how I made a bench out of an old patio table with no glass. It was just a black, metal frame to start with and we made a stable seat out of wood for it. I then took material and some foam and made a cushion by stapling the fabric into the wood seat. After it was complete I was happy but not satisfied and I thought that it needed something a little more. So I took the stencils out and acrylic paint and added "welcome". I was pleased with the addition and think that it would look great in an entry way or maybe even a mud room.

I hope you all have a great weekend!! I know that I am really looking forward to mine. ~ Jessica

Here is a picture of just the black, metal frame.

This is the wood that my husband helped me measure and cut to fit accordingly.

This is the finished product, I thought it was a great way to re-use a table without going through the hassle of trying to find a piece of glass for it. I think I like it more as a bench anyhow. :) 

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pink & Aqua for the Birds

It's Thursday and what a beautiful day.  Love Spring with everything turning green and hearing the birds in the morning!  Summer is right around the corner and the gardens will coming.  We all have seen the gourds that come out of the gardens and a lot of them have been made into birdhouses for all the birds.

  Well, I decided to do the same except give the birds a little more color as they make their home.  I had my husband drill a hole for the opening and then I decided to paint them.  I choose pink and aqua which is so very popular right now.  Here is the before picture.  Whoops I forgot to show you the hole that was drilled but believe me there is one for the birds to make their home.

I than decided to do a little fancy doodling around the opening in burnt umber acrylic paint and finished the gourd with some poly-acrylic varnish to protect them from the elements.  Here is the after picture and we'll see you next Thursday!  Enjoy your day.......Dianne
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mother's Day Cake

Happy belated Mother's day to all you mom's out there.  I hope your day was a good one.  Mine was, just a beautiful Sunday enjoying the family.  Anyway I had to try out the cake that was on the cover of Better Homes and Gardens on the May issue.  

Pink Lemonade Cake

So pretty right?  It was delicious and pretty easy.  I feel like making a cake from scratch is never a 5 minute task, but if you like baking it does not take that long.  Also, lemon is my favorite...I seriously could eat a whole pan of lemon bars!  That is why I don't make them. For mother's day though I figured I could enjoy a little sliver of cake right???  A little sliver or a big slice what is the difference right for us hard working mom's?  Top it off with some delicious Stroh's vanilla ice cream...does not get better than that!  So here are the pics of my cake, I have to say maybe not exactly the same, but I was pretty proud how even my layers turned out!

The recipe is linked in the pink, I hope you try it! Until next time....Kim

Linked to these fabulous parties!  hopestudios  debbiedoescreations  athomewithk  igottacreate  thediydreamer

Monday, May 14, 2012

I love owls!!

Good morning!  Hope all you mothers had a wonderful day and were pampered!  I had a nice and relaxing day yesterday....I woke up to a lovely card made by my three year old son with some additional help from my hubby.  Aren't homemade cards the best??  I would much rather a card made by son every year rather than a hallmark card....they just mean more.

Anyways....I recently found this little kids chair at a garage sale....or shall I say phenomenal garage sale where the prices of everything were just AWESOME!!   Here's the before picture of my little chair.

I gave the chair a quick cleaning and proceeded to paint a coat of primer on it.  I then painted two coats of blue paint and then followed up with an owl stencil.  Again, I used my cricut machine to create a stencil out of contact paper.  Seriously....I really love owls right now and seems like a good percentage of other people like them too.  I chose not to distress the chair....I just didn't think it needed it.  Here's an after picture of my chair.

Have a great Monday and enjoy the spring weather....It's supposed to be an awesome week in Michigan!!

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Thank you to, ( for featuring this project!!

Thank you to, (, for featuring this project!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dollar Store Treasure

I just love when Friday rolls around...especially when the weather is nice and you can make some fun plans for the weekend!! Since the weather has been really nice lately I am in the mood to share with you something to wear when the sun is in full force.

A few days ago I was in the dollar store browsing around, which I try to do every once in a while, because you never know the treasures that you might find!! I came across this hat. It is very simple but could be used for the beach, when you are gardening, or just hanging around outside in the sunshine. I was trying to think of what I could do to jazz it up a bit and I remembered that I just purchased some scarves from a garage sale for only 10 cents each. I just couldn't pass them by, I knew I could use them some how. I am sure that you have some old scarves lying around the house that could be used to make this hat really cute and versatile. I also put a headband on one and a flower clip. I don't think you could find a hat for much cheaper! I am so excited to try it out on the beach. Have a great weekend!!

This is the picture of that hat that I bought from the dollar store. Cute just the way it is but cuter with the embellishments. :)

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

4 Little Chairs

It's a sunny Thursday and we had some fun with 4 little chairs.  Found these chairs by the side of the road waiting to be put in some landfill.  Only 1 chair had a crack and was loose in certain spots, so my handy husband did a little gluing and puttering with it.  The other 3 were a little used looking and pretty solid.  So out came my paint cans and paint brush.  I'm always painting and trying to have a little fun with the pieces of whatever I have. Here are the before pictures:

I picked 4 colors that I thought would look good together and would fit into most households.  The colors were a soft yellow, a soft green, a pale, soft orange and a cream.  After they were painted I shabbied them up and added some porcelain numbers on the back of the chairs.  The numbers came from an old address sign and one of the numbers was  cracked.  We roughed up the back of the chairs and epoxied the numbers onto the backs.  I think the chairs turned out kinda of sweet, what do you think?  Until next time, Dianne........

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Thank you Beyond The Picket Fence for featuring this project!!!

Beyond The Picket Fence

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

New Rug

It's been a crazy week so far, sometimes I just don't know where the time goes!  I am sure everyone can is life right?   Anyway, I have been seeing these painted rugs everywhere, blogs and pinterest.  So while I was at a garage sale I saw this mat, it was supposed to be hopscotch for little girls it had all the princesses on it.  My daughter was really disappointed when I started cutting the connectors off.  I have to say it was pretty beat up anyway, I did try to paint it.

 I primed it, then I put a shade of white, or grey as it looked.  Then I was going to stencil on it.  After all that I just did not really like it.  I did not like how you could see each tile, I didn't like how you could see where I had to cut it off.  Maybe if I would of used a darker color to begin with, and actually bought a square mat.:)

So anyway I took some fabric that I had downstairs and cut to fit then I hot glued it on.  I figure I still get the cushion of the mat, and now when the fabric needs a cleaning I can just pull it off and wash it.  Once it is washed I can just hot glue it back on, or find different fabric I like more right?

I like how it turned out.  I like how how bright it is, so it doesn't look too boring with out the extras that you might find on a rug that you buy.  So I hope you are having a great one!  Until next time....Kim

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Monday, May 7, 2012

Upgraded Plates

Good morning!!  Hope your weekend was wonderful.  They always go so fast.....don't they?  I recently found these large plates at a garage sale.  They are really not my style and they were pretty scratched up as well.....but I loved the size of them.  They needed a little I thought I would give them a paint job and add a little cricut magic.
I painted one white and the other pink.  I used my cricut machine to create a stencil out of contact paper and painted the images on the plates.  Here's the after picture.....
I hope you all have a great Monday!
Thanks for reading!!

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Thank you to the toastiestudio.blogspot.com, for featuring this project!!

toastie studio

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Shabby Bookends

Hey everyone, it's Thursday and I'm a little late with this post.  Anyways, I had a pair of scroll y bookends that were all brown and were a little boring.  No pizazz!  Just plain ole brown.  I had bought them at a vendors garage sale and thought who couldn't use some bookends!!!!!!!! Here is the before picture:

The bookends had so many grooves and dips that I thought that I would add pink paint(acyrlic) all over it.  Than I took a wet and sometimes a dry rag and began wiping all the excess paint off until I got the desired result.  I protected the surface with a polyacyrlic varnish and one that would not discolor the bookends.  Here is the after picture which I really like, what about you?????????????  Until next time, Dianne..
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