
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pink & Aqua for the Birds

It's Thursday and what a beautiful day.  Love Spring with everything turning green and hearing the birds in the morning!  Summer is right around the corner and the gardens will coming.  We all have seen the gourds that come out of the gardens and a lot of them have been made into birdhouses for all the birds.

  Well, I decided to do the same except give the birds a little more color as they make their home.  I had my husband drill a hole for the opening and then I decided to paint them.  I choose pink and aqua which is so very popular right now.  Here is the before picture.  Whoops I forgot to show you the hole that was drilled but believe me there is one for the birds to make their home.

I than decided to do a little fancy doodling around the opening in burnt umber acrylic paint and finished the gourd with some poly-acrylic varnish to protect them from the elements.  Here is the after picture and we'll see you next Thursday!  Enjoy your day.......Dianne
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  1. Hi! visiting thru Brambleberry Cottage party - love the gourds painted in pastel, nice design too

  2. These are sweet!! Love the colors!

