
Friday, May 11, 2012

Dollar Store Treasure

I just love when Friday rolls around...especially when the weather is nice and you can make some fun plans for the weekend!! Since the weather has been really nice lately I am in the mood to share with you something to wear when the sun is in full force.

A few days ago I was in the dollar store browsing around, which I try to do every once in a while, because you never know the treasures that you might find!! I came across this hat. It is very simple but could be used for the beach, when you are gardening, or just hanging around outside in the sunshine. I was trying to think of what I could do to jazz it up a bit and I remembered that I just purchased some scarves from a garage sale for only 10 cents each. I just couldn't pass them by, I knew I could use them some how. I am sure that you have some old scarves lying around the house that could be used to make this hat really cute and versatile. I also put a headband on one and a flower clip. I don't think you could find a hat for much cheaper! I am so excited to try it out on the beach. Have a great weekend!!

This is the picture of that hat that I bought from the dollar store. Cute just the way it is but cuter with the embellishments. :)

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  1. Have you heard today that you are brilliant...if not, YOU ARE BRILLIANT. I can't believe that is a dollar store hat. With your embellishments, it looks like it came from a boutique. Love it!

    1. Thank you Amy!! I can't wait to get my use out of it.

  2. super cute! i would love for you to add this to my weekend link party. check it out here:
    {love} lauryn @

    1. Thank you!! I joined your party and am now a follower of your blog. Have a great weekend.

  3. Perfect hat to keep the sun at bay. Love your ad-ons, makes a plain hat into a real Beauty!!!
    Thanks for sharing, maki

    1. Thanks Maki...I am still trying to find more things that could be added to the hat. :)

  4. I love your hat-great idea!


  5. Which dollar store!?
    I am planning a 5yr old bday tea party and was thinking about letting them decorate hats to take home but at 13 little girls, I was worried about the price.

    1. I got it from the dollar tree. I feel like when I bought it there were only a few left. I hope you find some...good luck. :)
