
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

New Rug

It's been a crazy week so far, sometimes I just don't know where the time goes!  I am sure everyone can is life right?   Anyway, I have been seeing these painted rugs everywhere, blogs and pinterest.  So while I was at a garage sale I saw this mat, it was supposed to be hopscotch for little girls it had all the princesses on it.  My daughter was really disappointed when I started cutting the connectors off.  I have to say it was pretty beat up anyway, I did try to paint it.

 I primed it, then I put a shade of white, or grey as it looked.  Then I was going to stencil on it.  After all that I just did not really like it.  I did not like how you could see each tile, I didn't like how you could see where I had to cut it off.  Maybe if I would of used a darker color to begin with, and actually bought a square mat.:)

So anyway I took some fabric that I had downstairs and cut to fit then I hot glued it on.  I figure I still get the cushion of the mat, and now when the fabric needs a cleaning I can just pull it off and wash it.  Once it is washed I can just hot glue it back on, or find different fabric I like more right?

I like how it turned out.  I like how how bright it is, so it doesn't look too boring with out the extras that you might find on a rug that you buy.  So I hope you are having a great one!  Until next time....Kim

Linked to these fabulous parties: 


  1. This is such a clever way to reuse those
    plastic-y mats! We had tons of them.. now I'm kinda of wishing I had saved them!
    I am also hosting a new under 300 followers blog hop.. hope you will stop by and join in the fun!

  2. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing with us @ Toot Your Horn Tuesday! Looking forward to seeing what you link up next!

