
Friday, February 24, 2012

A new use for an old refrigerator

Well it's Friday today and I bet that most of you are happy to be done with another work week. Since the little one has come into my life I feel like the days are kind of blurring together. I am still happy that it is Friday though!! The project that I am going to show today is from a piece that my mother-in-law decided to pass along to me. It was sitting in her garage and collecting dust. I like to think that I rescued it from being thrown into the garbage by my father-in-law. It was such a unique piece that I was drawn to it right away. The story behind it is the fun part of taking it and being able to put it to use. When my mother-in-law was a young girl it was actually a refrigerator in her kindergarten classroom that they had played with in the house area. I thought, since I was expecting, that it would be a neat piece for the babies nursery. I didn't know what I was having so I decided to paint it a neutral color, and then once I had her I found these adorable baskets to put inside of it to hold and keep all the necessities organized. I love it!!! I keep it downstairs for right now, but eventually it will make it up in her room. Have a great Friday!! ~Jessica

This is the before picture, hopefully you can see how I was drawn to this piece. It was a little rough looking, but with a few coats of paint you will see how it came together.
This is the after with the door attached. I might add a little bit more detail to the front now that I know it is going in a little girls room.

These are the adorable baskets that I found. They fit perfectly inside of it. I was really excited when I found them.

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  1. Nice!!! I love a good storage solution! And one that reuses something is even better!!! Thanks for sharing this on Fancy This Fridays this last week!
    ~Kassi @ Truly Lovely

    1. It is a great storage solution for the babies necessities!! Thanks for checking us out.

  2. That is a repurpose for sure. Great idea!
    Holly, 504Main

    1. Thanks!! It is always fun to use something old for something new.

  3. I love taking something totally unexpected and turning it into something've definitely done that with this piece..awesome:)

    1. Thanks! We get tons of use out of it. Thanks for stopping by!
