
Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Sweet Little Rocker

It's Thursday. Found a darling little rocker at a garage sale.  It was a little sad looking and was missing a cushion, but I could see the potential it had and could see it in a little girls room or on a porch. So I took it home 
and took off the ugly pink pillowcase and found that I  had to make a new seat for it.  I first thought I would weave a seat but that didn't quite give me the look I wanted, so after the wood was cut to fit the seat, I found a pink sweater vest that had a crocheted front to.  Cut some foam and than covered the seat with the sweater.  It was a soft pink color.  Than I cut the lacey front of the vest and put in on an angle on each corner.  Before I added the seat, I added 3" wide pink ribbon that I softly pleated and added around the seat.  Painted the small round beads on the back of the rocking chair a soft pink.  Sanded the chair a little bit more to look more shabby.  I loved the look and it looked so girly.  I have already sold the chair after I put it in our Shabby Gals space and the lady that bought it said that she was a photographer and was going to use it in her photos.
Here is the after picture.....
Linking to these parties:


  1. Very cute. Thanks for posting on my party.

    ~ robin
