
Saturday, February 25, 2012

A New Table Cover

Happy Saturday!  I hope you all are being productive;)  I honestly can't tell you where the week went and what exactly I did, but somehow it is Saturday!!  So my little card table, I think that is what it is called.

So I painted it red awhile ago, and I still like that.  A little pop of color right?  I just tried out the good old modge podge on the top.  I tried and I failed, and I tried again, well that is what is left of it on the top.  I don't really know what the secret if anyone knows let me in on the secret.  I am thinking that I used too thick of paper, but anyway I gave up.  So I did what I could handle.

I sewed burlap and muslin together, and a little table cover emerged.  All I did was cut the square of burlap to cover the table and pinned the muslin so it ruffled a little bit and sewed it together.  I hemmed the muslin, but I feel as if you wouldn't even have to, sometimes the rough edges are really cute too.

So please just excuse the couple of dinosaurs and toys in the picture.  It's where the natural light was the best.  In all the rooms, it's got to be the toy room.:)
Have a great weekend...until next time...Kim

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  1. I love the look of the red legs color popping from the muslin ruffle! It is a great fix. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This looks so cute! We loved having you join us at "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." We hope you'll be back next week! -The Sisters
