
Friday, May 16, 2014

From Ugly Green to Cheery Color

Good Evening everyone.  It's Friday evening and I have been trying to get on the computer and do a little blogging.  The day was busy because I had to do a bunch of errands and get ready to go to our annual flea market shopping tomorrow with one of the Shabby Gals which is Jessica.  Jackie just had her twins in December and decided not to come this Spring with me and Jessica because the twins are just to little still.  Kim, my other daughter usually comes too but she had a family wedding to attend to.  We go to the flea market in Springfield in Ohio and boy oh boy do they have the stuff!!!! What a lot of fun and great ideas and we always come home with a bunch of lovely junk.  What fun we have!!  Well, here is one of my latest projects.  My husband and I picked up these 4 kitchen chairs at a garage sale (I am only showing 2 but they all looked the same).  I think they have the 50's styling and I really like the look but these were so so so sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is the before picture:

 Aren't they sad looking.  They needed a lot of TLC and some good scrubbing.  I had picked up some really sweet looking oil cloth at a little gardening store in the Farwell area located here in Michigan.  I bought the material before I found the chairs because one doesn't usually find such cute material in the area.
So, when I found these chairs I decided this material would look adorable on these chairs.  I stripped all the old green material off and than stripped off the lovely yellow material and really scrubbed the backs and the legs with Soft Scrub cleanser and the aluminum came out looking pretty good.
 I than covered the seat and the backs of the chairs with this adorable print.

 Wouldn't these chairs look great with an old 50's style table or even mix and match with a modern looking table?  They would add such color and sweetness to a kitchen set or even a game table.
So, what do you think?  Better or worse?
Until next time, Dianne..........

Linked to these Parties:


  1. I love these old chairs. The print you put on them is great! Thanks for linking up at HSH!

  2. Eeeeek that before photo was a little scary! I love the fabric you've used, its got a bit of a retro vibe that suits the style of the chair. Great job!!

  3. These are my favorite chairs believe it or not.... and I love what you did with them.

  4. Loving your pictures and the genuine and poignant way you have put your story across - you're an inspiration and I am following your journey - awesome work!
