
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ugly Sign to Fabulous Chalkboard

Good afternoon!  It actually snowed today.....EEEK!!  Are we ever going to see spring stay??  We enjoyed seventy degrees this past weekend.....and now we are seeing snow and cold temps!!  I am so hoping for a warm Easter...maybe, just maybe:)

I have another chalkboard project to show you....I know, seriously it seems like this is all I ever share with you:)  However, check out this dandy wall hanging....

Super cute, hey?  You know you want one hanging on your wall....right?  So, what else to do with it than make it into a chalkboard...  I just used my trusty old chalkboard spray paint.  Here she is in better form don't 'cha think?

Have a great evening!!
Thanks for reading!!

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1 comment:

  1. Wow - that looks so much better and the best part is that it's functional. Thank you for sharing a Fluster's #CreativeMuster, I hope that you will come back and join us again.
    Hugs, Smiles & Blessings,
    Robin @ Fluster Buster
