
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Stool Redone for the Better

Good Morning everyone.  It's Wednesday and me and my husband are down in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  We are on our way down to Florida and can't wait for some warm weather. We absolutely got tired of the cold and snow and all the shoveling we have been doing.  Brought our lap top with us and I decided to do a little blogging this early morning about my redone stool that I had.  It's a metal high stool and it was originally all beat up so I had painted it a grey on top and had painted a number on the top.  Painted the legs a pink.  I thought it turned out cute but nobody else did so I decided to redo the stool.  I forgot to take a before picture but you get the idea.  Here is the picture of the redone stool:

 I decided to take a piece of foam that was 3" high and cut it to fit the top of the stool. I glued it to the top of the stool.  I than made a cover out of an old piece of material that I had purchased at a flea market and the colors drew me to the piece.  Love the orange, pink and yellow design.  Kinda of retro.
 When the top piece fit the foam I decided to add a little bit of fanciness to this cover.  I added some yellow netting that I gathered and a old doily all around the edge.
I than covered up the raw edges with a simple twill binding that I tied the loose ends into a bow.
 Isn't this fabric a little retro?
 I decided to leave the painted legs pink which I think adds to the remake.  Have to keep the pink!

 So here is my little stool next to my corner cabinet .  I think the remake was  better and more fun looking.  What do you think, better or worse? 
 Until next time, Dianne......................

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  1. I love it! It's bright, and it's so girly. Visiting from Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party.

  2. The fabric is very retro looking. It reminds me of the colors I had in my bedroom growing up. Cute! Thank you for sharing at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a lovely week! ~Deborah

  3. What a wonderful collection..!!
    Such an marvelous blog..!!!Leather Button Beds

  4. squeal a tutu stool!! love it. Thank you for sharing your sweet blog at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop ♥

  5. Wow, what a fun piece! Thanks for bringing your creativity to our Get Your DIY on party! Next month's theme is Thinking Spring! XO
