
Friday, December 20, 2013

Simple Organizer

Hello!! I am sure as you read this a ton of thoughts are running through your head as to what needs to be prepared before the big day. I know that as I write this I am bouncing my legs as I think of all that needs to be accomplished before Monday. Yeah I said Monday...we are heading to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to spend Christmas with my husbands family. That means EVERYTHING needs to be bought, wrapped, baked, packed, etc. before Monday morning comes around. Talk about crunch time. I think I work best under pressure though. :) I think my hubby is always amazed at what can get accomplished within a few hours when I have had weeks to do it. It always gets done somehow though.

Anyhow enough about how I procrastinate and on to the fabulous new organizer. That's another thing I have to work at is organizing so I thought that this little piece would fit perfectly in our office to help me keep my mail and bills organized. I will let you know how it goes. :) I found this piece at a garage sale for a buck. I think it was at one point in an office building or something. At least that's what it looks like it is from...not too sure the story behind it. I simply sprayed it with paint and stamped the days of the week on it with acrylic paint. I can't wait to hang it up and see if it helps me get organized.

I probably won't post again before Christmas so I hope you all have a great one and enjoy your time with family and friends. Merry Christmas!!

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1 comment:

  1. love your simple solutions, have a great holiday, please stop by and visit my blog Simple Decor as well

    Many happy days a head Maria
