
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pumpkin Fun

Hi everyone!! It's a beautiful day in Michigan. The sun is shining and the leaves are slowly falling from the trees. I just love this time of year. I love this time of year for many reasons and one of them is the decorating. Pumpkins are probably one of the most popular decorations for this time of year so that is what inspired my post today.

The other evening my mom and my sisters got together and created these adorable pumpkins out of books. We saw the idea years ago in a magazine and then recently we have seen them on pinterest. We just had to try to make them because they looked so much fun. You basically just need a book of any size...the thicker it is the more full your pumpkin will appear. You will also need scissors, an exacto knife, spray paint, a pen or pencil, and some embellishments for the finishing touches.

We started by taking off the binding of the book and then drew a circle on the top page. From there we cut, and cut, and cut until all the pages were rounded. Then we hot glued the binding together to make the pages fan out. We then hot glued the pages together page by page switching the direction of the pages halfway through. It was such a fun project. The best part is you can be as creative as you would like and they all don't have to be orange as you will see below. We even sprayed one gold.

This pumpkin was my Mom's first trial run...doesn't really look like a trial run to me. It turned out adorable. For this one she used an old math book!! See you really can use any book you would like.

She added a twig to the top for the stem and then some faux leaves, ribbon and yarn. This is all after she applied a light coat of orange spray paint.

So after she made the trial run we all had a try at it and these are how the others turned out. I love each and every one of them.

This one was sprayed gold with some wire and netting coming out of the top. Probably not your typical pumpkin but cute none-the-less.

Be careful though because your little one might think that it is time to read. :)

The awesome thing about this pumpkin is that it is not breakable. This pumpkin was not harmed in this process. :) Even though it looks like she was a little rough on it. Thank goodness this one was my creation and not any one else's. I don't think they would have appreciated these little hands all over there beautiful creation.

Now it's your turn to sit down with a nice cup of cider and a warm candle burning that smells of fall and try one of these out yourself. They are not difficult but they do take a little bit of time. I hope you all have a great day!!

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  1. Can you please explain where you glued the pages together?

  2. donnaing-We glued the pages close to the spine of the book. Just a thin line of glue and it keeps the pages close together and lets the pages fan out.

  3. Oh my word, I adore these. How fun and I love the attention to the stems too. Fabulous. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  4. Your pumpkins are just so cute and creative, I love them, love the stems and the fact that they are not breakable, they are just so different, love the post and the blog, I am your newest follower, come on over i could sure use another follower and,,..I will be back again to visit,,Phyllis

  5. I absolutely love this pumpkins, I'm so excited for the fall! Love it if you link up this post or any others like this on Fabulous Friday Party Best, Maria
