
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mirror, Mirror

Good afternoon....or should I say good evening. I always have great intentions for getting my post up in the morning but somehow my day always gets away from me. It was just too beautiful today to be inside on the computer. So I guess the evening works best!! I am so excited that it is Wednesday because it's only two more days until I make my escape down to Ohio to find some treasures. My Mom and sister and I are going down to the Springfield Flea Market this weekend and I am so excited. We usually go every year at least one time...either in the Spring or Fall, sometimes both. I ALWAYS get excited for this weekend. It's fun to get away and spend some quality time with my Mom and Sisters.

Before I go though I have to share with you a mirror that I have re-done. I actually got the inspiration for music paper from my Mom and one of her projects that she had shared with you. She covered a chair in it and it turned out ADORABLE. So I had this mirror and I could have just painted it, which I started out doing, but it needed something more to it. It didn't look quite complete. So I took my try at modge podge and music paper. The music paper was from an old book and it had already discolored so I didn't have to stain it or anything to give it an antique look. I am happy with the outcome, although it took me a few tries to perfect the look I was striving for. That's how projects work though right? You just keep working on it until you get your desired outcome.

Whatever you may be doing the rest of the week or weekend I hope you make it a great one!!!

By the way I don't know if any of you have ever tried taking a picture of a mirror but it is not the easiest thing to do. I hope you get the overall picture of what it looks like anyhow. :)


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