
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A Great Find

Hello!! I can't believe it is so late right now....sometimes I don't know where the days go. This is the first time that I am sitting down at the computer today, therefore the first time that I am having the chance to post to our blog. It can't complain though it was a great day! I had preschool this morning and then some softball practice and a dinner with friends. You just can't get a better day than that.

I am going to share with you a piece that I had bought from a lady that I also purchased a gorgeous antique table from a few months ago. Hopefully that project will be a post in the near future, although I have to admit that I haven't made much progress on it yet. Anyway she asked me if I was also interested in purchasing this unique piece from her. Having a hard time passing up anything so I bought it and couldn't wait to get started on it. I think it was a record holder at one point in time, but now I think it will be used as an organizer of some sort. I haven't really ever seen anything like it. Anyhow like most things that are old it needed some work. There was no knob anymore, the hinges on the door were falling off and it needed a few nails put back into it. Along with all those things it needed a sanding, a few coats of green paint, and some distressing. This is how it turned out. I added a soft pink knob and I LOVE how it looks with green paint. It looks rustic yet feminine at the same time. That is all for tonight...I hope you all have a lovely night.

1 comment:

  1. What a great transformation - that knob is just gorgeous!
