
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Nothing but Tulle

Good afternoon!! Hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday out there in blog land. Today I am going to share with you a quick and easy transformation of a lampshade. It kind of happened by mistake, but I ended up loving the result.

I found this cute little lamp at an estate sale for .50!!! Can you believe it? I was at least thinking they could have priced it at five bucks and I would have still bought it. It works and everything. Anyhow I have been enjoying the process of trying to re-do the lampshades on these old lamps instead of buying new ones. So I began taking this lampshade apart and I should have known but when I was finished I was only left with a bottom ring and a top ring...nothing connecting the two. So I was trying to figure out how I could make them come together and I grabbed some white tulle and cut it into strips and started tying them on the top and then looping them around the bottom ring. I had to make sure I was doing this evenly or the lampshade would have been crooked. I made sure that the strips of tulle I was cutting were also even. I liked how the beginning stages were looking so I continued all around. This lampshade might not look right on ALL lamps but for this one I think it fits. It was such an easy and fun transformation.

Here are some pictures of the little lamp with lampshade before.

Here are the after. I think a lampshade can transform a lamp. I wanted this lampshade to look as delicate and pretty as the lamp itself. After finishing with the tulle I added a little bow to the bottom. I might just keep this for my daughters room. :)

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day!! ~Jessica
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1 comment:

  1. I love the delicate nature of the tulle and it is perfect for this dainty lamp.
