
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Weathered Approach

Hello!! Let me tell you how excited I am that it is Wednesday! I know it seems silly but the husband is back in town and the baby seems to be recovering from a few sick days that we have been having. Also we got some snow last night around these areas!! I just love snowy days for some reason. I guess I figure if we have cold weather it might as well snow.

Speaking of snow I am going to share with you this piece that I picked up from a garage sale (I know that's where we get all of our treasures). I believe it was originally from IKEA or at least that's what it kind of looks like. It had been used outside around the pool as a bench, so it was already beginning to weather. I had so many other projects to get done before I started this one so I thought I would continue to let it sit outside and weather for a little bit longer (probably close to a year...oops). It was actually being used as a bench as it was sitting outside so it didn't really look like I was "weathering" it, I guess that's what I will call my new technique. :) Anyhow, I eventually got around to this piece and I just loved the faded red paint and the underlying color of the natural wood coming through. I loved that rustic so much already that I couldn't get myself to paint it. I simply continued to sand it down, especially the legs because for some reason they didn't look as weathered as the top had. I then took some poly acrylic and brushed a coat or two on top to give it a more finished look.

Here is the before picture. As you can see the top had already lost most of it's paint. The picture below shows the legs and they needed a little bit more sanding because being outside didn't have as much effect on them as the top.

Here is the after. Like I stated previously it was simply sanding down a little bit more in places and put a quick clear coat on it. I think it would work well as a coffee table.

I love how it looks as if it was made out of old barn wood! It came out just how I had envisioned when I purchased this piece. ;) Well, maybe I didn't quite envision this way back then but after seeing how it turned out I am glad I didn't paint it! Until next time...Jessica

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1 comment:

  1. What a great table - I love the color. I'm following you via GFC. I host Fluster Creative Muster Party on Wednesdays and I would love it if you would come by and party with us. Hope to see you there!

    Hugs, Smiles, and Blessings,

    Fluster Buster
