
Friday, February 22, 2013

Ruffle Pants

Hi all!! It's Friday again and usually I look forward to the weekend but the hubby is going out of town for work and that means it's just the girl and I for a few days. It will be fine but I always wonder what we are going to do to keep ourselves busy. I am sure we will find some ways.

Recently I took a trip to the fabric store and ended up walking out with some fabric with coordinating colors but mismatched designs. I LOVE the colors yellow and gray together and I thought I could come up with something for the baby girl. I was thinking that maybe I could try a simple dress or skirt but she has more than enough that we don't even get to wear. I have seen these ruffle pants all over the internet lately and I just love how they look on little girls. I dug through her dresser and pulled out a pair of her pants to use as a pattern and that is how I began. I should have taken some pictures of the steps while I was sewing but I got so into it that I only have the end result. I ended up making pants that were a little too low on her little bum when she bent over and was crawling around so I improvised and added a sash for the top and took out my elastic that was around the waist. It ended up working out just as well and I think I even like them better with the added detail at the top. They fit her perfect and look so darn cute on her that I think I will try some more. Have a great weekend!!

This is the fabric that I bought. I bought about a 1/2 yard of each and didn't come close to using it all, especially the polka dot. I had a lot of that left.
Then before I show you how the pants turned out these are the pants that I used for a pattern. They also were an inspiration for this project.
This is how they turned out! I was happy with the result because I didn't know what they were going to look like seeing as though they were only my second sewing project for her. They gave me confidence to keep on trying different things.

I kept trying to take pictures of her but as you know with a 13 month old they don't like to sit still so I just snapped away while she climbed up and down her favorite chair. :)

 Joined these parties -


  1. Those are so cute--I loved it when my girls were little and I could dress them in things like that!

    1. Thank you! I just love dressing her up too! I know I have to do it now because later she probably won't let me. :)

  2. Loving the ruffle! I'd love for you to consider joining our first ever Pattern Party! Only those with free patterns to share are invited to link up! Check it out.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I just linked up to your Pattern Party! How fun to have a party just for patterns, there are lots of good ones. :)

  3. these are so so cute! Actually, I'd love to make them for myself, haha. I am pretty sure I would need a lot more fabric though!

    p.s. would love for you to link up to Handmade Tuesdays @

    1. Thanks! I would love to make some for myself as well! Just probably won't be as cute on me. :) Have a great day! I just linked up to your party!

  4. Thanks so much for adding your link to Check Me Out Saturday Craft link party at A Vision to Remember. I just wanted to let you know that I featured your link. Go to to check it out. Thanks again!

    1. Thanks so much for featuring me! I appreciate it so much.

  5. I love these pants!! I need to try to make some for my little girls. I'd be thrilled if you'd link up at this week's Off the Hook!

    1. I will link up to your party! Thanks for stopping by! They are pretty simple and I think your girls would love them.
