
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Not just an old door

Brr!!! It is definitely Winter around these areas!! I think today is a few degrees warmer than yesterday but it is so cold. It's a good day to stay inside and get some projects done. This project I am going to share with you didn't take much talent on my part, actually zero talent because I didn't have to do anything with it except assemble it. It is so cool though I just had to share.

I think many of my posts have been on salvaged pieces from homes or other pieces of furniture. I just LOVE things that are old and can be re-purposed into something unique. I found this door below at a garage sale. It was in a big box and I didn't even know what it was going to turn out looking like. All I really saw was the stained glass and I had to have it. I figured even if there weren't all the pieces in the box I could at least use the stain glass for something. Anyhow I took it all out, as you can see in the pictures below there weren't many pieces, and I had my husband help me glue and clamp it all together. When it was completed I put something to hang it up with on the back and found the perfect spot on the wall. I could even re-use it on a cupboard or something but I adored the way it looks hanging as a decoration, it's so pretty. If I do say so myself I think I found a real treasure. :) I might eventually add some old picture frames or maybe a quote inside the lower part of the door but for now it is hanging happily in my living room. Thanks for stopping by and visiting us!!! Have a great day!

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  1. Wow, good find! Stained glass is so timeless!

  2. Beautiful ... if only I had more wall space! I love old doors just about anywhere as decorations!

    Thanks,Jenn (via Liz's TTT)
