
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Sentimental Gift

Good morning!! I cannot believe that it is already January 9!! It seems as if the holidays came and went so fast. I hope that everyone is having a great start to the year.

For Christmas my sister-in-law and I had exchanged names and we decided on making gifts. It's a tradition that my sisters, mom and I usually do each year but this year we decided to buy each other something. So I was asking my sister-in-law what she would like and she had mentioned something to hold jewelry on. I was contemplating between a few different ideas but stopped and one that I thought she would appreciate getting because it is a piece from her childhood home. A while back my in-laws sold their home and moved. My father-in-law, who knows that I am into old pieces of salvaged wood, furniture, etc gave me a piece of molding from their home that had been removed and was no longer being used. I was saving it for myself to make a shelf or some sort of coat rack. I decided that she might appreciate it because it is from her old home.

I chipped away the old paint and left some to give it an older look after I painted it. After a few coats of primer and a cream colored paint I found some small, decorative hooks at the hardware store. I knew they didn't have to be big because she was just hanging jewelry on it. I put those on and rubbed some stain all over to make it look distressed. She was so happy and emotional about the story behind it that she said she didn't want to use it as a jewelry holder anymore because she didn't want to hide it in her bedroom. She wanted to have it downstairs. I am happy to say that it was a successful gift. Have a great Wednesday!!!

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  1. what a neat idea :) gifts always mean more when they are home-made and when they are made of something SO personal- WOW!

  2. Love the idea for the jewelry hanger! Since she wants to have it in the living area, wouldn't it be cute to hang
    old keys on the hooks? Maybe from the old house as well!
    You did a lovely job on it!!!
    Hugs & Happy New Year!

  3. I have a piece like this from my old home. I'm pinning this idea. Thank you!
