
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Updated Basket

Hello!! It's a beautiful December day here in Michigan. The sun is shining for the first time in a few days and it just feels great to have it come out and visit for awhile. It has been crazy busy around here lately. Lots of fun festivities for the season and running around trying to get last minute Christmas shopping done. I love it!

Today I am going to share with you a very SIMPLE project but at the same time it gave the item a completely different look. I have had this basket hanging around the house for awhile. I bought it this summer because I like to take photographs and I thought it might be a great prop for babies or toddlers to sit in. It had nothing wrong with it to begin with but as you can see by our blog we LOVE color. So I took out some of my trusty aqua and simple brushed the whole thing with it. I didn't worry about it covering every part of it because I like the worn look, like it has been around for a while. I decided that I liked it and wanted it to become part of my Christmas decor, so I took some red berries that I had and filled the basket with them. I just love aqua and red together. So if you have any old baskets laying around your house just coat it with a few swipes of paint and put them to use. Have a splendid Wednesday!!

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