
Saturday, December 29, 2012


Good Evening.  It's a Saturday evening and I decided to do a little blogging.  The evening is quiet and I'm finding some time to share one of my latest projects.  I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Christmas.  Our Christmas was wonderful and busy.  The grand kids were fun to watch and boy oh boy were they busy.  Well on to the project.  My husband found this old jelly cabinet at a estate sale for the price of $20.00.  I just fell in love with this cabinet and thought that the possibilities were endless.  Here is the before pictures:

As you can see it was a little beat up and I had to think a little about what I was going to do.  I decided to paint the whole cabinet white, but after I did that I wasn't too happy with it.  I knew that I was going to cover the 3 shelves that went in the cabinet with vintage green wallpaper that had gold in the design.  So, what I did was wallpaper the shelves and put them back in the cabinet. The shelves looked really nice but they stood out too much.  I wanted everything to blend together.  So, out came the green paint which was brushed on and rubbed on, a combination of techniques.  After I did that I still wasn't satisfied so on went the gold paint which I brushed on in a random way.

I decided to keep the wooden knobs that came with the cabinet but I brushed on gold paint there also, but when the paint was dry I decided to add a little bling.  I glued on some earrings.  I clipped off the back of them and E6000 them onto the top of the knobs.  I also added some tassels to hang from the handles which added a little more bling.

Here is a shot of the side of the cabinet, which is a little beat up but adds to the charm of something old and vintage.

Here is a close-up of the vintage wallpaper I used. The wallpaper definitely has a pattern, but its pretty.  I kept the inside of the cabinet the white I had painted on the outside.  I thought that it would keep the inside light.  I kept all the original hardware and just brushed some gold  paint on the top of the hardware, just to add to the vintage feel.  It's a big piece so I decided to add some casters on the bottom of the cabinet, which made it really easy to move.  I really liked the way this cabinet came out.  It looks a little rustic but I think it fits the feel of this piece.  What do you think?  Until next time, Dianne.....
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  1. Great job, I love the bling on the knobs!
    Saw you linking at It's Party Time!
    Debbie :)

  2. You did a great job on that cabinet! I love a repurposed piece.

  3. Great job! This is a great thrifty project! I would love for you to come link up at my new weekly linky party Thrifty to Nifty Thursdays at A Jennuine Life. I'm working with a couple of bigger bloggers to feature great projects, so I'm hoping to bring fabulous exposure for participants!

  4. What a great makeover! I love the tassles on the handles - just fabulous!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you are having a fabulous festive week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

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