
Friday, December 7, 2012

Fit for a Princess

Good morning!! It's Friday and I couldn't be happier. I feel like this week has been really busy and I am looking forward to spending some quality time with the husband and baby. Speaking of my baby..I am going to share with you a project that I worked on just for her. I found this rocking horse at a moving sale, I guess that's no surprise because that's where I find most my treasures. It looked as if someone had painted it before and they did a great job but it wasn't in the best of shape. It looks as if the years had taken it's toll on the poor horse.

Since it was going to be for my little girl I took out some primer and pink paint and put a few coats of each on. After I was done the horse had no eyes or nose so I took some pretty, antique earrings and adhered them on where the eyes should be. I then drew little dots in the middle to make them really look like eyes. I took the white paint and antiqued all the lines of the horse so you won't miss any detail. Lastly I found some lace and put it on the seat. After all the details I think it looks perfect for my little princess.

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1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, that is fit for a little princess, great redo. Awesome gift so pretty
