
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Displaying Christmas Cards

Good afternoon! I feel like Christmas is creeping up on us and I am not really sure where the month of December has gone. It always goes so fast. This year will be the first year with a baby so it makes it even all that more exciting, even though she has no clue what is going on being only 11 months. :) It still will be fun to have Santa bring her a few presents.

So I was thinking about what I was going to blog about as another one of my Christmas cards fell off the door and to the ground. All month they have been bugging me because it looks messy how they are just scattered up on my door and the tape is just not doing it's duty. So I thought I would blog about how I resolved that problem. I could have just put them in a basket and left it on the table but I like to display them, I think they are so fun to look at throughout the season. I found some festive ribbon and stuck it to the top of the door securely so that none of these precious cards would go flying away. I was not going to tape them to it because as I said previously the tape was just not doing the trick. So I went in my sewing basket and took out my pins and started pinning them up on the ribbon. It works fabulously!!!  The cards now look more presentable and are no longer falling to my floor. Now I just need to find some more ribbon and finish the rest of the cards on another door. Hopefully this little tip will help you if you find yourself in the same predicament. Have a very Merry Christmas!!


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