
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Nothing but the Frame

Happy Wednesday!!! I am sure a lot of you are looking forward to having the day off on Thanksgiving and sitting down to a feast. I know that I am really excited for it. We are heading out of town this afternoon and I can't wait to catch up with family that we haven't seen in awhile.

So I found this very large, beautiful painting at an estate sale. The only problem was it looked really dark and dated. I pondered for a while how I could possibly change the look without ruining the painting itself, because I know that I could never re-create something that looks like this. Somebody once put a lot of time and effort into it. It finally dawned on me that I didn't like the dated frame. I thought it looked to dark and didn't do anything for the painting. So I took out some trusty white paint and after a couple coats it looked too perfect for the painting. Therefore, I took some dark stain and wiped it in all the corners and along the lines of the frame. I think it gave it a more rustic appearance and added depth and detail to the frame.

I hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving and enjoy it wherever you may be. :)

This is the before picture. As you can see the painting is just gorgeous, but the frame is so outdated.
Here is the after picture. I think the lighter frame just makes the painting look that much better.

1 comment:

  1. Funny thing is how different it is now. It's not like you just repainted the frame. It's like you replaced an old picture with a new one. Brown color was practically swallowing it, and white color matches perfectly with the white on the canvas. Any other color would be totally wrong. Great eye! And great job. :-)
