
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Summer was good......

Hey guys!  Hope your last weekend of summer was great....I'm feeling a little bit sad this morning that summer is officially over.  It was a good one....filled with great memories!!  I'm sending my son off to preschool in the next that probably has something to do with feeling a little melancholy.  I wanted to share with you a few pictures of my family's camp.  I have been lucky enough to spend my summers up there for the last twenty three years.  I have so many awesome memories of this place.'s fun to share these memories with my son.  He absolutely loves this place!!!  When we tell him we are going to "Grandpa and Grandma's camp" he's jumping in the car before we are even packed!  He's never happy to go home....  I LOVE that he loves this place as much as I do!!

Here is the cozy and familiar!!

Something about dirt roads........the road that leads to my mom and dad's camp...

The porch swing that rocks the grand babies, where people enjoy their morning coffee, and just sit and relax.....and talk about the weather....:)

Little outside decor on the camp....

An ornamental bell.....

Three wheeler rides.....the kids love going through trails and looking for wild life....My son just loves to race...and as long as he wins it's all good.  

There's no tv or internet up my dad put a little rain catcher so see how much rain his plants and veggies get.  I love that there's no technology up there.  It forces you to sit back and just relax and enjoy the little things.  

My mom and dad's garden....filled with fresh veggies!

Kayaks are so fun to use on the lake!!

Just love this dock......

This boat was around when I was skiiing....and now it's being used to pull the kids tubing.

This chair is used a lot for fishing.......and just relaxin...

A little cozy spot for relaxing......

A view of the lake....from the kayak!!

A fun sandy spot for the kids....

And the last jump off the dock for the summer..... was a good one!  How was yours???
Make it a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous place your parents have! It must be so much fun to hang out there in the summer. What a great time you guys must have swimming and being outside 'unplugged' from the chaos of cell phones ringing and emails!

    Jennifer @ Decorated Chaos
