
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Show off Turtle

Hi everyone, it's Thursday and the second week of school is just flying by.  We have had a beautiful fall here in Michigan so far and I have a fun little turtle to share with you.  Found this at a garage sale and he was a little boring and would just have blended in with the garden.  Here is the before picture:

He is cute but I thought he needed a little color, what else????  I thought he would be an easy project and a fun one.   Anyways, I painted him with some acrylic paints and followed his design on his back and left the rest of him his original color.  I chose black, green and  of course pink.  I also thought that he should have green toe nails and a pink mouth. When he was dry, I put some varnish on him to protect the paint job and he found a new home in the flower bed.

 What do you think?  Until next time, Dianne......
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  1. I like the colour combo. It will look great among the flowers.

  2. How fun! I just love turtles :) Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!
