
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Jewelry Display

Hi all!!! Hope your all having a fabulous summer!! Mine has been flying by!! I am not sure where time is going but it's almost AUGUST!! I truly can't believe it. I will stop rambling about how sad I am that it's almost August and share with you what I have created.
I picked up this cup holder from a garage sale the other day. I knew that I had already had one displaying some of my vintage coffee cups in my kitchen so I wanted to think up another use for this. I decided to paint it pink, one of my favorite colors lately, and decided to display some of my jewelry on it. It makes a great holder for displaying some of your favorite pieces and those pieces that you might wear more frequently that you don't feel like digging for!! Have a great day!!

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  1. Great find! I could see this on my dresser, adorned with my current favorite pieces of jewelry. I tend to go through phases, where I like to wear the same piece with a few different outfits.

    I followed you over from the the Shabby Creek linky party. I would love if you stopped by my blog.

    Thanks for sharing,

  2. Wow...what a great use for a mug tree! :)

