
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Simple Re-Cover

Good morning!! I hope your Wednesday began as great as mine. There is nothing like waking up to the sun always puts a smile on my face. On this beautiful Wednesday I am going to share with you a simple chair that I simply re-covered the seat in some simple brown linen fabric and added a bird. I just LOVE birds right now so it seems that I have been adding them where they seem fit. I didn't think this chair needed to be painted because I like the dark, worn stain on it. It's difficult to get that perfectly worn look once you re-paint a piece, so once it was already there I couldn't let myself paint over it. The chair wasn't in really bad shape so nothing drastic needed to be done to it. I just wiped it down and re-covered the seat and I am pleased with how it came out. I am putting it in our booth...although I thought about keeping in for myself. I need to learn to let go of some pieces. :) Have a great Wednesday!!! ~Jessica

Here are the before pictures. It wasn't really that bad in the first place, but I thought an updating on the seat would be nice.

 Here is the after with the new fabric and stencil of a bird.

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  1. Looks like something pretty you would find a Grandma's house. Love it!

  2. Love the simple touch. It's so sweet.

  3. Such a sweet old chair, and your lil bird added the perfect touch.
    Now following you from PICKINandPAINTIN.blogspot. Please come visit me. 8-)
