
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Just an old mirror

Happy Wednesday!! We made it half way through the week!! I hope you have all been having a great one, I know that my has been flying by. I need to stay home today though to get some projects accomplished.

This past weekend I attended an auction that was only a few miles from my house. I picked up some sweet finds and great deals. This particular one I am going to show you today seemed somewhat useless to buy because it is an old mirror that is so worn and dirty that you can't get much of a reflection anymore.It was probably from sitting in an old garage or barn but my obsession for old things got the best of me and I took it home. Anyhow, I LOVED the look of it and I didn't want to paint over it to take away the rustic charm. So I decided to put a quote on it!! I figured I would put it right in the middle because you can't see much of a reflection anyhow. I thought this would look great on a shelf in our bedroom, or if I add chain to hold it up it can be put on the wall. Such a simple and easy transformation, you should try it out! Till next time...Jessica

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  1. I love it! It's just reflective enough to set off the quote without being too shiny. Perfect!

  2. I love thrift store finds and this is a great way to revamp an old mirror! did you use vinyl or paint for the quote? I think you're right, it would look great both on a shelf or hung by a chain- maybe even on a porch? Great share! If you get the chance, I'd love for you to share this on Sweet Sharing Monday!

    1. I used vinyl for the quote. It was actually one of those sayings that come in the tubes. I got it as a gift and found the perfect place to use it. Great idea on a porch..I love it. I will share it on Sweet Sharing Monday. Thanks again for stopping by.

  3. Love it! I totally agree that you left it as is - it is so charming and vintage. Great job!

    Visiting from the party at Someday Crafts!

    sara @

    1. Thanks for stopping by Sara! I love the projects that you don't even have to touch up and they look charming up on the wall.

  4. Just an old mirror turned into a treasure!

    Thanks for sharing at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality!

  5. I think it's the perfect use of an nearly non-reflective mirror! It adds just the right character to the over all look.

    1. Thanks Beth! It was fun to find a use for a non-reflective mirror.

  6. Excellent idea! A true trash to treasure! Thanks for sharing at the Rock N Share! I shared this on my FB page.

    1. Thanks for sharing this! I was excited with how I was able to salvage an old mirror that was probably going to be thrown out. :)

  7. Thank you! It's always fun to see that other people like your ideas. :)
