
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Wire Basket

Happy Saturday, another week has gone by.  Sometimes I don't know where the time goes....but everyday there seems to be something.  I think everyone can relate to that.  So I wasn't really working on anything this week...I guess I just was actually just trying to keep up on everything.   So here is a basket I found this past summer at a garage sale.  I really do like it, but it is kinda heavy and everything falls through it.  I use it in my tiny mudroom to catch everything.....mittens, hats, the kids shoes, but everything always slips out of it. 

It's cute right?  A little impractical...maybe that is why they were selling it.  Or maybe it had something to hold everything in, and it got trashed.  So anyway, I decided as I was trying to clean up a little that something needs to be done.  Found some muslin, (not the cutest material)  and made a little bag, or liner for the basket.

You can still see the cuteness of the basket, but something that holds everything.  Sorry I should of ironed it first.  ;)  So hope everyone has a great weekend....until next time Kim

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  1. Very cute! And now very practical!

  2. How cute! I would love to get my hands on a basket like that!

  3. I really like this how very charming come see me at

  4. How darling! The muslin is perfect! And ironing is over-rated in my opinion :)
