
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saturday's Antlers

Hi everyone.  It's Saturday, March 10, 2012.  I have another creation that probaly appeals to the ladies but the men in their lives would most likely think that this is going a little too far.  Well anyways, this is what I did.
 My husband said that I could have these antlers and I warned him that I was going to paint them and add a little fro-fro to them and make them look girly.  This is the before picture.

 I wanted them to be put in our booth to hang jewerly, hats, scarves or what ever we wanted to hang from them.  I didn't want the normal hangers to hang stuff from and I thought this would be fun and something different.  I base  painted everything white, with acyrlic paint from JoAnns.  Than I painted the background wood a shade of pink and the antlers a different shade of pink.  The pink on the antlers was a bright pink because I wanted them to show up.  The helmet that covers the antlers, after it received the 2nd coat of white was than covered with Martha Stewart's white glitter.  The picture doesn't really show up the glitter that covers the white but I loved the look and it is really fun.  So what do you think????????  See you next Saturday or maybe Thursday........Dianne


  1. Now that is really cute! Your jewelry will show up so well
    on this.
    You have a great imagination to come up with it!
    Hugs, Maki
    Maki's Little Red

    1. Thank you for visiting and I hope you come back.

  2. I want these for my house! Please stop by and link it up to our weekly linky party "Cowgirl Up". The party is a linked, linky. So when you post it once, it automatically shows up on 4 awesome blogs! Hope to see you there.

    :) Samantha @ Crafty Texas Girls

    1. Thank you Samantha.I did link up at your weekly link party.I liked your blog also.
