
Friday, March 23, 2012

Fall wreath to Spring Wreath

So with the weather being all nice, I had to change up my red berry wreath on my front door.  I think that usually I can leave it up for awhile, especially when it snows.  With the weather being about 80 degrees I think it was officially time to change it up.  So I took my fall wreath that had all the leaves on it, bought a sprig of forsythias at JoAnn's because I officially think that bush means spring.  The bright yellow just makes me smile.

So here is my lovely wreath before, I didn't use the hot glue, because I knew I would eventually want to switch up the leaves for something else.

As you can see the leaves are way over due to come off anyway.....

 On my white front door I think it looks springy and fun...The only thing I am debating on is adding a little more yellow. 

  Nothing beats a welcoming front door right?  Hope you like it...until next time  Kim
Linking to:  Funky Polka Dot Giraffe


  1. Great transformation! I love its simplicity and the fact that it looks so natural. Great job!

  2. Makes a perfect spring wreath.Love those yellow flowers.
