
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Branching out

 It's really late on Wednesday night and I am finally getting around to posting!!! I really can't figure out where the day goes, or for that matter what I am doing with my time. All that aside, I have been so excited to post this week and show you what I have been working on. I have been so eager to work on my little girl's room since she has been born so I have been surfing the web looking for some ideas. I found some great ideas on pinterest that I just LOVED and had to try. Therefore, I cannot take complete credit for the idea...but I tried to put my own spin on it. I just want to say that I was really nervous of painting a BIG tree on the wall. I was reminded that if I didn't like it we could just paint over it and start new. Keeping this in mind I became a little bit more daring and I went for it. I ended up painting a white tree, I know that trees are not typically white, but I wanted it to be subtle and keep the nursery bright. So here are some pictures of it.
Being artistically challenged I had my husband draw the tree on the all for me, and then I completed it by outlining it and filling it in with paint white paint. I am in love with how it turned out and glad that I took the chance.
This next picture is a close up of the frames - collected from different garage sales/flea markets through the years just waiting for the chance to be used again. I painted the frames and filled them with the letters in her name. Each letter has a flower as the backdrop. Photography is another hobby of mine so I incorporated my own picture of flowers in the frames. They are hanging on the wall with pretty, pink ribbon by hooks to look like they are hanging from the tree branch.  I am excited about how it turned out. I just hope the little one enjoys it as much as I do someday. Have a great night!!
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  1. That is so pretty. I love how subtle it is. The picture frames hanging form the branch are so cute. Nice work.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I had fun redoing my daughter's room.

  2. Pretty! Love the tree and how you hung the letters from the branch!

    1. Thanks for checking it out!! I was excited with the ending result!!

  3. Hey there! Just wanted to let you know... YOU'VE BEEN FEATURED! :) Hope you'll pop over to check it out and grab a brand new button!
