
Sunday, November 15, 2015

We're Back!!!!!

Hi everyone!
It's been sooo long since we've updated anything here on this 'ole blog of ours....I don't know where time has gone:)  We've had some ups and downs over the last six months...and now here I sit thinking about how close we are to Thanksgiving!  I am hosting my in-laws this year...and am a little hesitant how my meal will turn out!  I've never hosted Thanksgiving in my eleven years of marriage!  This will be a first.  We are, however, officially in our new home so we have so much more room to work with....including ample room to cook and seat people.  I'm looking forward to that for sure!!!

Just a quick project to share with you that I completed awhile back...even though I didn't blog, I made sure to document my projects!  Here is a cute little key hook that I found at a flea market.

So with a little minty green paint and some added gold highlights in the nooks and crannies....this little key holder came back to life!!

I put the key holder in our Shabby Gals booth and saw someone walking out with it the other day!  It's so rewarding to see people enjoy your hard work and appreciate your vision!!
Until next time....
I look forward to updating you more on what has life has brought to my family the last few months!  Enjoy the last few hours of your weekend!  Annnnd of course if you're reading this....We Thank You!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Shabby Mushrooms

Good Afternoon everyone.  It's been a little while since I have blogged but that doesn't mean that I haven't done projects.  I just really haven't had the time to blog because our family has had a long hard winter but we are now on the road to recovery and things are getting back to normal.  Anyways, here is my first project to blog about and we (my daughter Jessica and I) had some fun doing this together.  We had gone to a flea market last spring and found these teak wooden salad bowls and she said she had seen somewhere how they had made mushrooms out of them.  We bought them and decided to craft together.  Well, we jumped right in and started projecting and forget to take before pictures but we forgot about one bowl, so here is the before picture before it got any paint:

We starting paint with acrylic paint just out of the small tubes and decided to pick fun and bright colors for the outdoor mushrooms, so they would stand out if one decided to put in their flower garden.  Colors we picked were red, orange, lime green and of course, pink.

We found old ends of table legs and turned pieces of wood to use for the stems because of course, mushrooms need stems.  We left some of the pieces how we found them and painted some and sanded them to look old and shabby.

Sanding like crazy.

When they were all painted, the spots had to come on and we decided to use a large marshmallow to dab the assorted color spots on.  Some of the spots were first painted on in white and than a 2nd color on top.  The tops were than all sanded to try to match their stems and of course to look a little shabby.

And these are our shabby mushrooms.  What do you think?  Would you put them in your spring garden or how about your patio for some color and fun?

So until next time, Dianne.........................

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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Shabby Lamp into Candlestick

Good Morning everyone.  It's been a long time since I have blogged or shown any of my projects.  I have been busy even with the holidays but just haven't been able to sit down and share my thoughts and projects with you.  It has been a nice holiday and it was busy just like everyone else.   Anyways, here is one of my latest projects and it was a fun one.  I had this old standing lamp that didn't work and I didn't want to spend the time and rewire it and it could have been done.  I decided to make it into a large standing candlestick and I'm bad because I forgot to take a before picture of how rough and rusty this lamp was, but try to imagine rust all over it and no shades.  Here is an after picture of this lamp:

 I had to paint everything on it and clipped out the electrical wires so that I could put candles into the lamp.  I started painting the stem of the lamp with a soft ivory acrylic paint.
 I painted the metal parts with a burnt umber paint and than highlighted the parts with a gold acrylic paint.  I rubbed gold onto the ivory parts also and even the fake candlestick base.  I also had to add a little shabbiness by adding an old rhinestone necklace around the top of the lamp for a little glitter.
Everywhere the was a stand out part on the lamp it was rubbed with gold.
 This is the bottom part of the lamp that was so pretty and it was also painted and rubbed with gold.
 This base was so rusty that I had to sand some of the rust off and than paint with the brown and that highlight with gold and I think it came out so pretty.  It also had a marble base which I think it was highlighted when the base was painted.
 So here is my lamp turned into a large free standing candlestick. 
So, what do you think.  Better or worse?
So, until next time of the Shabby Gals.....

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