
Monday, November 24, 2014

With Just a Little Spray Paint......

Happy Monday everyone.  It was quite chilly and snowy last week here in Michigan.....and today it is a balmy fifty.  In fact I'm enjoying a cup of coffee while sitting by an open window.  Our new house is coming along....although the weather last week killed the momentum.  The next big step is putting on the roof!!!  Then hopefully the siding will start going up and then the brick.  I cannot wait to see how everything will look together!  I am crossing my fingers that our decisions about color and texture will coordinate nicely with each other:)  There are a lot of decisions.....:)  Big decisions:)  But in the end, whether we've made mistakes or not, it will be our house that we created together and that makes me smile:)

I just wanted to share a few quick spray paint make-overs.  I do love spray paint....I love how quickly it transforms something.  It's fun and easy!!

I found both of these items this summer...a little stool that could be used to hold a plant and a key holder.  Not big ticket items by any stretch, however cute in their own way.

With just some spray paint and a bit of antiquing....they both look more appealing!

A new key holder.....I don't know about you, but I'm always looking for those darn keys!

Enjoy the rest of your day!
If you're reading....ThAnKs!

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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Bless This House.....

Hey there!  It's Thursday evening and the house is quiet....peaceful...tranquil:)  Makes me smile:)  My son and I put up a small Christmas tree this afternoon.  He was so excited and couldn't wait to buy some candy canes for the tree.  I love this time of year and kids make it even more special!

It's tough to write this but just recently my family has been given some heartbreaking news about my dad.  He has some health concerns and we will need some prayers.  He's been diagnosed with cancer and he will begin treatment soon.  We, as a family, are hopeful and optimistic that he will get through this trial.  He's a strong guy and I hope he fights like he has never fought before......Although we have been given this trial there is still much to be thankful for during this holiday season.  We have HOPE that he will kick cancer to the curb ....we are thankful for modern medicine.....we are thankful for knowledgeable doctors...we are thankful for our FAMILY and FRIENDS that have been there with their support and a hug.....and most importantly we are thankful for our FAITH.  I love him so much and ask that you keep him in your prayers.

I would like to share a project that I recently completed....I found this scrap piece of wood at a yard sale. I decided to leave it as is and put some lettering on it.  (My mom actually suggested that I leave the board in it's natural state)  I used my handy dandy cricut and went to work....Here it is in finished form....Although I haven't put any hardware on the back to hang it.  It's a bit it may sit unfinished for awhile:)

If you're reading thanks!
Have a wonderful evening.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Decorating with Flea Markets and Redos

Good Morning everyone!  It's a Tuesday morning here in Michigan and we are expecting some cold weather.  The U.P. is experiencing some wintry weather but so far we aren't down here.  That's okay with me, winter will be here soon enough.  Well, guys we have been collecting pieces from flea markets, garage sales and estate sales to redo our little cottage on the lake.  It has been a work in progress and we still aren't quite done, but almost done.  It started with some hand me down furniture that has been recovered and stripped.

My husband picked up this adorable little rocker at an estate sale but it was so sad.  I painted it a white and added a burlap coffee sack for the cushion and distressed the paint so if the grandkids knocked it, it wouldn't make a difference, just add some character.  The little green table was also an estate sale piece which was painted a soft green and my son, Tedd, carved a deer scene on the top which was covered with some glass.  The lamp was a garage sale find which was painted and sanded with a lampshade covered in wrapping paper and ribbon loops for the border.  The small bookcase in the back is 2 wood crates that I stacked one on top of the other.  Love this look.  Will add more when I find more. A work in progress!!!!!

 This cabinet was found at an estate sale, too.  I loved it the way it is and put the television in it.  Love the little drawer on the bottom.  The mantle next to it was a flea market find which I have blogged about.  I painted it and shabbied it up.  I tiled the inside of the mantle and it's waiting for a gas insert, which is coming.
This lamp was a garage sale find that I just love and the shade was found at an estate sale but I think they look great together.  The lamp has a wood base and the filigree is wire. Painted both the table and the lamp the same soft color green with a little white.  I have green painted cabinets in the kitchen which opens up into the gathering room so I decided to keep the furniture that I have painted to the same soft green and putting white and some wood into the styling.When I think about this little cottage there is nothing new in here, everything is old and has been redone.

Love my crates for the bookcases.  They have come in handy.
My mantle is sporting an antique mirror which I believe they called a piano mirror.  It is just sitting on top of the mantle.  It's a cozy room and if you are a little crazy you can decorate with a lot of mismatched and a lot of redo's and have it all come together and make a statement.!

So, what do you think? Crazy or not? Like or not?  Until next time, Dianne........

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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fake Pumpkins with Bling

Good afternoon everyone.  It's a late Sunday afternoon and I just got home from celebrating my husband's, grandpa's and Dad's birthday party at our daughter Jackie's house.  All the grandbabies were there and all the kids and we had a delightful afternoon.  The grandbabies are getting a little older and this year they are really getting excited for Halloween.  It should be a very eventful day and boy will there activity.  Well I had picked up these pumpkins at the DOLLAR STORE and thought they would look cute around the house for the fall but I of course had to add a little BLING to them.  Here is the before picture:

I had some sequins hanging around the house that I had bought at a garage sale thinking that sometime they might come in handy.
 So I got out my paint and painted them white and starting applying sequins to them by simply using Elmer's glue
 This pumpkin I added some jute rope to wrap the stem of the pumpkin and ran it down the sides of the pumpkin.  When the sequins had dried I added an earring for the leaf.

 This was also painted white but not as many sequins on it and I added 2 black earrings for the leaves and painted the stem of the pumpkin a brown color.

 My daughter Jackie had given me this large pumpkin and had stenciled Happy Halloween on it and had added little silver balls to the lettering which some had fallen off.  I just decided to hot glue some sequins also to where the little balls had been.  Some more bling!  I think they look just right in my entrance way greeting guests and family for the Fall.
What do you think?  Better or worse.  Until next time, Dianne......

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Updated Candlesticks

Happy Tuesday!  It is a gloomy, gloomy Tuesday here in Michigan.....cold and dreary.  I am enjoying a bit of quiet while my babies are resting:)  Love this part of my day:)  Is that bad to admit?

I wanted to share a quick project I completed this past summer....super simple!  I had this trio of candlesticks but thought they needed "something."  Here they are before....

I just gave them a new coat of spray paint and then glazed them with a bit of black paint.  I think they are better after.  What about you?

I hope it's sunny wherever you are reading this:)
Have a great day!

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Thursday, October 16, 2014

New Lil' Book Caddy

Happy Wednesday!  It's almost Halloween and we will have two owls and a power ranger parading around the neighborhood:)  I hope it's a nice evening for my babies to be out and about!  I hope you are well:)  My family of five is doing is in full swing along with some swimming lessons.  My days seem to fly by!!  We have officially begun building our new house and we couldn't be more excited!  We hope to be in there this winter....cannot wait!!

I found this little wooden caddy awhile back and painted it yellow.   I didn't like the results and decided to paint it a mint color.  I absolutely love this color right now and happened to score this quart for a dollar at Home Depot awhile back.  I actually would like to paint my daughter's room this color and accent her room with pink and yellow hues.

Here it is before I changed the color...

I painted it over with a very appealing minty color and then antiqued it the edges with black paint.  I added "books" to the side of the caddy.  I think it's a great place to store some books don't you?!

Have a great day!
If you're reading...ThAnKs!!

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Crafts a la Mode!!!!!!


Monday, October 13, 2014

Another Old Lampshade

Good Morning everyone.  It's Monday October 13 and it's the first time I have blogged for this fall.  I can't believe how time flies.  Since I retired from work I thought that I would be so bored and have so much time on my hands and it's really the opposite.  Some times I think that there isn't enough hours in the day and I can't get all my projects done.  It is really delightful to have the time to do what I want.   Well, here is one of my latest projects and this was so fun.  I had an old burlap lampshade that was in pretty good shape but boring and here is what I did.  Take a look at the before picture:

As you can see there wasn't anything really wrong with the lampshade, just a little boring and here is what I did.
I had some crewel thread in a pretty shade of green and I decided to run it up the lampshade from the bottom to the top like a vine and simply used Elmer's glue to attach it.  I followed the first line a couple of times and than I knew it needed some leaves and I free handed a shape of a leave and filled it in with the thread.
I still wasn't done and thought that it needed some burlap flowers and so I wrapped and twisted the burlap to get a desired rose and attached a wooden bead in the center and attached (hot glued) it along the vine in between the leaves.
And still I wasn't done and thought that it needed a little bit more of shabbiness, so I cut some strips of burlap, frayed and all and gathered it slightly while I hot glued it to the top and bottom of the lampshade.

So here is the final result on my alabaster old lamp.

So don't throw away your old lampshades, alot can be done with them and it's fun.
So, what do you think?  Better or worse or too much shabbiness?
Until next time, Dianne.......

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 Glitter, Glue & Paint

Monday, September 15, 2014

Be Grateful......

Happy Monday everyone!  Hope your weekend was wonderful:)  We spent some QT time as a family just hanging out.  We are in the process of building our new home so we spent some time picking out kitchen cabinets this weekend.  It's such a big decision because this will hopefully be our "forever" house and I'm trying to pick out a type and color of cabinet that is "timeless."  We are hoping to break ground within a few days.  I cannot wait to begin this adventure!!  I will keep you guys posted with pictures as it progresses....:)

So, onto the project that I want to share with you.....
I picked up this piece of scrap wood from a barn sale this past summer.  It looks like it was a part of some piece of furniture.  I loved the shape of it and thought it would make a fabulous sign.

So I was going to paint it first, however, my dear mother suggested that I leave it in it's original stain and then stencil the quote over it.  I went with her suggestion and loved the way it turned out.  I used my cricut machine to create the quote.  It felt so good to create something's been awhile since I've put my hands to work in a creative way:)

I love this quote....because there is ALWAYS something to BE GRATEFUL for:)
What are you grateful for today?
Thanks for reading....and have a wonderful Monday!

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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Chalkboard Table

Hellooo!!!!  It's been a loong time since I've last posted!  Summer was amazing and we spent some quality family time together:)  It was quite different camping with the twinners this summer.....just a tad bit more work:)  Although they were quite the troopers this summer....good thing because the six year old brother wasn't content with just sitting around!!  Now he's back in school as a first grader!!!!  Eeeek I can hardly believe it!!!  Time just needs to slooow down a bit.....our babies are now eight months old as well!  They are at a fun stage....starting to scoot around a pull themselves up on things:)  They are starting to really interact with each other too!!

I wanted to share with you this chalkboard table.  I unfortunately do not have the before picture of the table.  I painted the bottom part of the table a shade of pink and then the top with chalkboard paint.  Here she is now.....

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!!!
Thanks for reading!!!

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Friday, August 1, 2014

Sew Easy

Happy August!! I can't believe I am saying that. I am so sad that summer is just going so fast! I guess that's why you make the most of it while it is here and go go go. Well at least that's what I felt like we have been doing. We also have a huge project going on around this house so that makes things seem a little crazier too. We are residing our house and I hope to get the chance to share that with you all soon. I have been terrible about blogging as well so hopefully I will get back on track here.

This project that I am going to share with you was so easy and didn't take me any time at all. I was so pumped about the outcome too. My little girl wears them all the time. I am going to make them with a few more pairs of pants. I think they would even look adorable on a pair of jeans cut off.

I simply took an old pair of her leggings that were stretched out and a little bit too short on her legs and cut them off to be short length on her. I then took one of my old shirts that just didn't fit right anymore (you know how it gets after a few washes...well probably more than a few because I just LOVED the shirt) and cut off some strips to make ruffles with. They were about two inch wide strips. I then ruffled them and sewed them to the bottom. I did four strips, two for each leg, I probably could have done even just one to make it quicker. I like ruffles though so I settled with two for each leg. So in about 30 minutes I transformed boring old leggings to cute ruffle shorts for my daughter. The best part is they are comfortable and not restricting for the lazy summer days.

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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Vintage Trays

Good Morning.  It has been a little while since I have blogged about some of my creations.  It has been a busy summer so far and I have been doing some creating but I haven't just sat down and blogged about the projects and I do have to admit that I forget to take before pictures before I start getting busy.  It is a cool summer day for the month of July here in Michigan, 70 degrees is a little cool.  It's a good day to work outside, though.  Well, I do  a project to share with you and I did remember to take my before picture, so here goes....

I had gone to the Springfield Flea Market this spring with one of my daughters, Jessica and I had picked up these cute vintage trays. I loved the colors and I really liked the silhouettes of the man and the woman.  Green is my favorite color.
 I bought them and really had no idea what I wanted to do with them but I really liked them.  I also had picked up this little metal silver tray.
 I decided after a little bit of time to build another pedestal stand that could be displayed for jewelry or really for anything.  In the before picture I gathered up some supplies like an old candle stick and a miniature clay flower pot and  painted them black along with the little silver tray that I had bought.  I put them together with a little E6000 glue (which I love, it glues almost anything together) and waited til they dried and stayed together.
 And this is my creation.  I think it goes quite will with my old dresser and it would be a fun piece to store my jewelry on.
 On the bottom of last tray I had painted some wooden round balls and also glued them on to the bottom of the tray.  I didn't want the stand to just set on the table and I wanted a little height to the piece.

 So, what do you think? Like or not?  It can be used for so many things and it is a fun piece to look.

So, until next time, Dianne.........

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