
Monday, June 23, 2014

Little Garden Planters

Happy Monday!!  Hope this finds you healthy and happy:)  We had a good weekend and we were lucky enough to spend yesterday at my Mom and Dad's place on the lake.  It was our first time up there this summer and we were anxious to spend some time on the lake!  My son just couldn't WAIT to get up to Grandma and Grandpa's camp:)  We spent the day swimming and laughing with some good friends and family.

I found these two little boy and girl planters at a garage sale a few weeks ago.  They were a bit rusty which you can see in the picture below....

I decided to spray paint them and spruce them up a bit....
Here they are after....
They are so cute....and they sold quickly:)

Enjoy your Monday!!!!
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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Tablecloth not just for a Table

Good Morning everyone.  It's a beautiful morning here in Michigan, the sun is shining and there is a gentle breeze.  I'm blogging from our cottage on our little lake in the Farwell area.  We just installed internet service and I'm enjoying it immensely.  It's also Fathers Day and I wish all Fathers a Happy Day. Fathers are very important in a family's life and for the children.  Thank you Fathers.  Well here is my latest project.  I had a very pretty and old tablecloth.  I loved the colors which had orange flowers in it but it had a large hole in it.  I guess this tablecloth had seen a lot of use and I didn't want to discard it because the colors looked pretty good.  I also had an old lampshade form which I could use and recover so I used the tablecloth:  Here are the pieces before I started:

 This is the cute tablecloth with one of the holes.

Actually the tablecloth had pinks, orange and blues in it.  I first wrapped all the metal parts of the shade with an offwhite 1/4" ribbon.  I started with all the vertical metal parts and than wrapped the top and the bottom with the ribbon.  I wanted the inside to look as nice as the outside.  I than cut out the pieces of the tablecloth with the print that I wanted and hot glued it to the outside of the lampshade right on top of the wrapped ribbon. 
 I continued all along the outside of the lampshade until the whole lampshade was covered with the tablecloth without the holes.  I wanted to cover the raw edges of the tablecloth so I slightly ruffled the same ribbon that I had wrapped the lampshade with and hot glued that on top of the lampshade on each metal spoke of the frame.  I first did the vertical spines and than all around the top and bottom.
I also glued an 1/8" blue ribbon on top all the vertical gathered ribbons to bring out the blue in the material.

So here is my lampshade.  I think it is one of a kind and really fun. 
So, what do you think?  Better or worse?  Until next time, Dianne......................

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Elizabeth and Co.               Also featured at the STYLE SISTERS.

 Boogieboard Cottage

Friday, June 6, 2014

Number Stools

Hey everyone....!!  It's been a few weeks since I've posted:)  Time seems like it is flying!!  Summer is in full swing around here and school is out in a few days!!  I cannot wait for the schedule to end!!  It will be nice not to live by the clock.

I scooped up two of these stools off Facebook.

I primed them and then painted them a yellow/green color.  I then created two number stencils and painted the two numbers on.  Finally, I used black latex paint to distress the edges.  Here's what they look like after....

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

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Thursday, June 5, 2014

No Vase for a Spring Bouquet

Good evening everyone.  I really didn't get anything done or redone this week because Spring is here and there is so much to do outside.  Planting and trimming and cutting lawns and painting and the list never ends.  It really has been enjoyable to be outside and doing things after the long hard winter we had in Michigan.  The lilacs are out and they smell so good and they are so pretty.  After working outside it is so nice to bring some outside in and the lilacs just fill a room with such a lovely fragrance. I had cut some lilacs and brought them inside and discovered that I didn't have any vases up at the camp.  I looked and looked and still couldn't find any vase but I did discover an empty Kroger small coffee can.

So I filled up the coffee can with water and put my lilacs in it and set it on my fireplace.
I think it looked quite good and fit with the camp feeling and a little blue goes a long way.

As you can see my fireplace isn't quite finished, the painting is done but I still need a fireplace insert.  It's coming....
But aren't the lilacs in the blue coffee can pretty and they did smell wonderful.
Even when one doesn't find a vase another container works just as well and gives an extra dimension to one's decor, what do you think?  Until next time......Dianne......

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