
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A New Project....

So here I am finally getting a little motivated. I have been slacking on my projects, and I do have a few of them waiting. So here is a old trunk that I junked picked, and I really mean garbage picked.:) I knew I would eventually need a bigger toy chest for my all the toys my kids are collecting. I have not finished but here is my before picture...hopefully by next week it will be finished and be put to use.

As you can see, a little rough. I did take the handles out, and I sanded and wood filled most of the cracks. It looked as if there was trim glued on the top, I just tried to sand all of the glue off. I figure if it looks too bad, I will put some more trim on the top. I am going to put a coat of primer on tonight...and hopefully get rid of those hideous legs. So any suggestions what color to paint it?

Until next time...Kim

Monday, January 30, 2012

New Rocker

Happy Monday!  Here's a rocking chair make-over for you today.  I found this rocking chair off of craigslist this past summer.  It has been sitting out in my garage while I was deciding what to do with it.  Then...we found out that my younger sister was expecting her first baby so we thought PERFECT she needs a glider!!  Every mother knows that you spend A LOT of snuggle time in a rocking chair...especially a baby's first year of life.  My sister, Kim and I decided that we would re-glamify this rocking chair and give it to her for her baby shower.  Here is the before picture.
Kim and I found this cute Amy Butler fabric at a local quilt store.  We loved the colors and knew it would coordinate well with the nursery.  We also scored the fabric at a decent price!!  We decided that I would paint the chair and she would recover the cushions.  I scrubbed the chair and cleaned it up and then put a coat of primer on it.  I then put two coats of a cream semi-gloss paint on it.  Kim finished the cushions perfectly and then whipped up a cute pillow with her stellar sewing skills.  We love how the chair turned out!  I think Jessica liked it too and I know she is spending some quality time snuggling her new baby in it!  Here's the after picture...
Enjoy your day!!!
Thanks for reading!

Linking up to these parties:

Sew Chatty

The Southern Institute

Pink Hippo Party

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Chicken Wire All the Way!!!!!!

Found and bought an old cabinet that was missing the glass on the sides and the front.  Jackie suggested redoing the sides and front of the cabinet with chicken wire instead of replacing the glass.  Decided to paint and shabby the cabinet up.  Forgot to take a before  picture because I was so excited to start the redo.   Love it!!!!!!


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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sugar Cookie Bars

So here I am again, taking the easy way out.  Making bars instead of cookies.  I am sure you have all seen these bars somewhere in the great wide world of the internet like.....pinterest, and other blogs.  Actually I got the recipe I am using from The Girl That Ate Everything.  Let me tell you she makes everything look good.  I have tried to make sugar cookies and I have either not let them chill enough or I roll them too thin.  So needless to say they have flopped everytime.  So I am trying these bars, because they look delicious and who doesn't like a sugar cookie?

1 cup butter, room temperature
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
5 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
Cream butter and sugar until fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing after each egg. Add vanilla and mix well. In a separate bowl combine flour, salt, baking soda and stir with a whisk to combine. Add to wet mixture and mix just until combined. Spread on a greased baking sheet (use a 13 x 18 pan). Bake at 375 degrees for 10-15 min, until light golden brown or until a toothpick comes out clean (they won't look done so do the toothpick test). Cool completely and frost.

It is up to you on what kind of frosting you would like to use, but I am also trying the frosting from the recipe I found.

1/2 cup butter, room temperature
4 ounces cream cheese (1/2 of an 8 oz block) softened
1 tsp vanilla (I used almond extract for half of the frosting)
¼ tsp salt
4 cups powdered sugar
5 Tbsp milk
food coloring (if desired)

For frosting combine butter and cream cheese until smooth and creamy. Add vanilla and salt. Add powdered sugar in 1-2 cup increments until combined, then add milk a little at a time and mix until smooth and spreading consistency. You may not need all the milk! Spread over cooled cookie bars.

Also my tip is to grease your (clean:)) hand to spead the cookie dough over the doesnt spread so easily with a spatula.
I also say under bake, they turn out great I think I left them in for 11 minutes. I like a little softer sugar cookie though.

They are delish!

Until next time....

Home Stories A2Z

Friday, January 27, 2012

Little Bench

Hello!!  I can't believe it's Friday.....this week has flown by!  I have a little furniture redo for you today.  I found this little bench at a garage sale this past fall.  It's a little country in style, but I thought maybe a little paint could bring it to life again.  The seat opens up and allows for some storage.....which is always a nice option.  Here is the before picture....
I gave it a good cleaning and then put a coat of primer on it.  After allowing it to dry, I painted two coats of Behr's semi-gloss latex paint.  I used a cream color and then distressed it lightly.  Here is the after picture...
 Enjoy your Friday and have a wonderful weekend!!

Linking this project to:

made in a day

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kitchen Redo

We finally redid our kitchen cabinets.  After many months of deciding to repaint or not to repaint.  It cost a lot less than replacing the cabinets which were in good shape, just old looking and very dark.  We had replaced the floor a few years before and was happy with the floor but it didn't show up like we had wanted to because of the dark cabinets.  The kitchen was so dark!!! So we went ahead with the painting and all the hard work and all the mess but it was worth it!!!!!  Here are some of the before pictures.

We started the process by sanding all the fronts of the cabinets, than primed the fronts and than painted the fronts with a flat cream paint.  When they were dry, we than poly acrylic the fronts and did it twice with sanding in between the coats.  We splurged and got new hardware and hinges for all the cabinets, which also help the update.  It made the kitchen look brand new and our floor looks wonderful.  What a little hard work can do and accomplish.  Here are a few of the after pictures......

New Lampshade

Hi!  I have just a quick little lampshade makeover for you today.  I took a simple white lampshade and added a little more charm to it.  Here is the before picture.....

Here is the after.....I used my cricut machine to create a stencil using contact paper.  I absolutely love my cricut machine and use it all the time.  I tend to use it mainly for creating stencils for embellishing shirts and adding character to furniture.  In the past I always used vinyl paper from Jo-Anns.....then I learned from somewhere in blog land that contact paper works just as good and is much CHEAPER.  It works just as good when you are jazzing up a shirt and using fabric paint.  Freezer paper works well too...however you can eliminate the iron stage when using contact paper.  This lampshade now sits on a butter yellow base, which I am sorry I don't have a complete picture for you.
Have a great Thursday!

Linking to these great parties:

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Red Chalkboard

Happy Wednesday!  I recently found this print and frame at a local thrift store for $3 and thought it would be perfect for a chalkboard.  I do have a "love" for chalkboards.....and I also LOVE quotes and it's a great place to display them. The frame and print were in decent condition....nothing that a little chalkboard paint and spray paint couldn't enhance.  Here is my before picture....

First off....I gave the frame a good cleaning and then taped off the glass portion of it and sprayed the frame with a "barn" red color.  After a couple of coats of spray paint, I began working on the glass portion.  I first of all primed the glass and then painted three coats of chalkboard paint on it.  I was extremely patient with this project, as there is a lot of wait time on the drying of the chalkboard paint and then an extra three days before you can actually use it.  However, here she is and I think she was worth all the waiting around time.  Here is my after picture.....
Make it a great day!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Parmesan Peppercorn French Bread

So here is a recipe that is nice for having a fresh loaf of bread to go with dinner.  Sometimes I have to admit the easier the recipe the more I am drawn to it.  I also have to admit I really love the bread machine for doing all the manual labor.

The finished product is really good.  I feel as if you could be more liberal with the pepper.  It is up to you how much you want to taste it.  Also you can use freshly grated Parmesan which would probably be delicious especially Parmesan reggiano!  For me I always just use what I have so if I have the really good cheese it goes in.

Also when you are looking at the pics....please excuse the nice counter tops I have going on.  I have to say the bread makes them look nice though right?

I make the Medium Loaf Size.....1 1/2 lbs.

1 c. of water (warm)
3 T. olive oil
1 tsp. of salt
3 c. of flour (bread or all-purpose)
1/2 c. Parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp. black pepper
2 1/4 tsp. yeast

Place in that order in the bread machine, put on the dough cycle.  When done, take out and knead on a floured surface just to make sure all the ingredients are incorporated.  Grease your bread pan and let rise in a warm place for about 40 minutes.  Bake for 20-25 minutes in a preheated oven at 350 degrees, until nice and golden brown.
Serve with butter and whatever is for dinner in your house!

This post is linked to Get Your Craft on Todays Creative Blog.
and also Home Stories A2Z


Monday, January 23, 2012

Little Tot Rocking Chair

Good morning!  I have a chair re-do project for you today!  I found this cute little rocking chair at a garage sale for a VERY great price.....that I JUST couldn't pass up.  This little chair was in great condition but I thought it needed a new paint job......just a little added pizzazz.  Here is my little chair before.....

Here is my after picture of my lil' chair.....I lightly sanded and cleaned it and then primed it with a can of Kilz spray paint.  After the recommended drying time, I sprayed it with Krylon's glossy white paint.  It needed two coats....I usually don't spray a lot of my furniture, however, just looking at those tiny spindles made my neck hurt.  After it completely dried, I lightly distressed the corners of the chair.  I then created a star stencil out of contact paper using my cricut machine and painted an aqua star on the seat of the chair.  I like how it turned about you?  
Make it a great day!

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Easy everyday pancakes

Hi this is the third sister....not quite as creative all the time.  Well not as much as my mom, and other two sisters, they put me to shame.  Although, I do enjoy a project or sewing, as I am learning.  I must say I do enjoy trying new recipes or cooking, my husband is my true judge, as he will tell me to make it again or maybe just lose that recipe.:)  So here is my easy pancake recipe that makes more than I need for my family.  So I stick the rest in the fridge, for the next day or sometimes dinner for my little demanding ones.;)  I like toasting them, but microwave works too.
 Simple easy ingredients. I like to to add cinnamon too, but that is totally optional.  They are for the person that never buys that darn buttermilk, but always means to.

1 egg
1 c. flour
1 c. milk
1 T. sugar
2 T. vegetable oil/ or canola oil
3 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
I also add vanilla, just if you want 1 tsp. vanilla

Beat egg, until fluffy, beat in rest of ingredients, until smooth.  Cook pancakes until puffed and dry around edges.  Flip and cook until golden brown.
Top with syrup, or a dollop of whipping cream and fresh fruit, or a little yogurt and berries.
Easy and delish.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Little Pink Chair

I found this sweet little chair at an estate sale earlier this summer.  I quickly picked it up with a few other treasures and brought it home.  The chair was in perfect condition, other than slightly dirty.  Here is the before shot of my little chair.

My first thought was to paint it a soft pink hue and slightly distress the edges.  So, I first of all lightly sanded it just so that the primer would adhere better.  I cleaned it well and then put one coat of Kilz primer.  After waiting for the primer to dry, I put two coats of a soft pink semi-gloss paint on the chair.  After it was completely dry, I used my cricut machine to create number stencils and used those to paint numbers on the back of the chair.  Here is the after picture of my little pink chair.
What do you think?  This picture was taken just as summer was ending and my seedum plant was in full bloom......sigh....we still have many, many weeks of winter.  Have a great Monday!

Transforming dated closet doors

We are expecting our first baby in February and we have been concentrating on getting the nursery put together. We had these really outdated closet doors that we had attempted painting. Needless to say I was not too happy with the outcome. Therefore we took them down and put up a rod with curtains hanging down. This is how it turned out. I was very happy with the result!! Please don't pay attention to the disorganized contents of the closet in the second picture. This too will be organized once the room is complete.

Friday, January 13, 2012

New Face Lift

Good morning!  My sister-in-law asked me to paint an old end table she had in her living room.  It is a really cute piece and just need a little face lift.  I first of all lightly sanded it down and then cleaned it well.  I gave it a coat of primer and then two coats of Behr semi-gloss paint.  I also added a new piece of hardware to the drawer.  Here is the before picture.
And here is the after.......
Thanks for reading!

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Home Depot Planters Find A New Purpose

I was at Home Depot the other day and stumbled upon a great deal!  They were selling 15" planters for $4.93, originally marked at $19.98.  I couldn't resist the orange color and quickly picked up two of them and headed for the check-out along with my spray paint that I originally went for.
They really are a fun color orange...the picture doesn't do them justice.  I purchased the planters with the idea of using them to hold all of my son's cars and trains.  These planters are pretty big...and do a great job of housing them all.

I am thinking they may be even cuter with a vinyl label on the front of them using my cricut machine.  I liked these two planters so much that I just happened to be at Home Depot later in the day and picked up two more.  I figure when I no longer need these to house toys, they can always go outside and be used the way they were intended for.
Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I found this cute little half end table at a local garage sale.  It has a great shape and nice details that I thought would look great distressed.  So, I went to work and lightly sanded and then wiped it down, as it was filthy!  Then, I put a coat of Kilz primer on it and followed up with two coats of Behr semi-gloss paint.  My first instinct was to paint it pink and distress it, so I followed my gut and I do love how it turned out.  I am, however, biased to the color pink.  I would like to have my bedroom painted in pink, however, I can't seem to get my hubby used to the idea.

Here is the after is now a soft shade of pink with a distressed look.  I like the way it turned out and is now for sale in our booth.  Hope you enjoy!
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Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Life

This is an old display case from my father in law.  He had it once hanging in his garage filled with many treasures.  My father in law has since passed away and I wanted to refurbish it and put it to use in my son's room.  I first of all cleaned it and removed the glass portion of it.  I then primed and painted it red.  I had my husband hang it in my son's room.  I love how it turned out and it's neat to know that it was his grandpa's at one time.                                                                  
Here is the after picture of the new shelf hanging in my son's room with all of his treasures!
Thanks for reading!